Feb 14, 2011

Finished Sample of the Matchbook Pocket Mini Album

I finished the sample project this past weekend and wanted to post it for everyone to see.  Later this week, I will post more pics showing the supply kits that I have put together for this project.  As you can see I used pics of my pets (of course).  You can use any pics that you want.  I used a total of 7 pics.  The largest pic was approx.  2 3/4 X 3 3/4.  The max size that I recommend would be 4 X 4 and the smallest size can be as small as you want. 

Hint: Click on any photo to view a slide show and see larger images.

I really had fun putting this together. 
#1 Front of Matchbook:  I used acrylic paint on the matchbook in a color that coordinated with the paper.  I let it dry before I covered the entire matchbook with paper.

#2 Inside top flap

#3 Inside middle and side flaps with tags out.  I created mini pockets for the sides to hold tags.  The kits have a template for creating the mini pockets.

#4 Side flap with tag in the pocket.

#5 Outside of flaps.

#6 Back of matchbook. (Update 3/22/12:  As you can see in these pics I did not have my journaling done.  I did, however, go back and do that journaling last November.)

Check back later for pictures of the kits.  Everything you see on this sample will be available to you in the kit.

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