May 8, 2013

A Day At Sea Album

Attached is a mini album that took me quite a while.  I started this album in the summer of 2011 and, after a short break, finished it up in early 2012.  I had tons of pics from our outings on the boat and wanted to do an album just for those outings.  I used Basic Grey's Lauderdale paper collection.  It worked out perfectly.  The whole book is my original design.  Underneath everything is recycled envelopes.  I kept the envelopes from the paper bills that I paid online.  I call this album "A Day at Sea." (If you double click on the pics below, you will get bigger images.)

I wanted the look of an aquarium/underwater scene. 
Front Cover
Front Cover detail 1

Front Cover detail 2


Inside Front Cover
Top view of album.  Wave tags


Page 1

Page 1 Inside
Page 1 Inside Tag  Front
Page 1 Inside Tag Back
Page 1 Wave Tag Front



Page 1 Wave Tag Back
Page 1 Back

Page 2

Page 2 Inside

Page 2 Inside tags

Page 2 Inside tags front

Page 2 Inside tags back

Page 2 Wave tag front

Page 2 Wave tag back

Page 2 Back


Page 3

Page 3 Inside

Page 3 Inside tag front

Page 3 Inside tag backs

Page 3 Wave tag front

Page 3 Wave tag back

Page 3 Back

Page 4 Inside

Page 4


Page 4 Wave tag front

Page 4 Inside tag front

Page 4 Inside tag back
Page 4 Wave tag back



Page 5

Page 4 Back

Page  Inside tag front

Page 5 Inside

Page 5 Wave tag front


Page 5 Inside tag back

Page 5 Wave tag back



Page 5 Back

Page 6

Page 6 Inside

Page 6 Inside tags sticking out

Page 6 inside tags back
Page 6 Inside tags front

Page 6 Wave tag front

Page 6 Wave tag back

Page 6 Back



Page 7
Page 7 Inside


Page 7 Inside tag front


Page 7 Inside tags back

Page 7 Wave tag front

Page 7 Wave tag back

Page 7 Back

Page 8


Page 8 Inside

Page 8 Inside detail

Page 8 Inside flap

Page 8 Inside tag front

Page 8 Inside tag back


Page 8 Wave tag front

Page 8 Wave tag back


Page 9

Page 8 Back


Page 9 Inside
Page 9 Inside upper flap

Page 9 Inside tags front
Page 9 Inside tags back

Page 9 Wave tag back

Page 9 Wave tag front


Page 9 Back detail left

Page 9 Back

Page 9 Back - This is the poem that I named
the album after.
Page 9 Back detail right